Avast Internet Security 19.8.4793 

December 28, 2019 - Avast Software (Free)
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Avast Internet Security Download Software delivers everything you need to protect your network and online activity. Home-Network Scanner scans your network for issues, while SafeZone, SecureDNS, and a firewall build yet another line of defense. In a new approach, Home Network Security scans your network and routers for potential issues to help prevent attacks.

Avast Internet Security For Filehulk.com

The silent firewall stops hackers from accessing your computer by eliminating known threats and isolating suspicious files. SafeZone provides a secure virtual environment for you to bank, shop, and pay bills online. You can also whitelist sites so SafeZone starts automatically when you go there. One of the biggest risks on any Wi-Fi network is DNS hijacking. Avast solved this problem by encrypting traffic between protected devices and the DNS server. That way you always get where you want to go.

The golden standard in PC security, keeping you safe online and offline. Enjoy safe payments and banking, unique home network protection, a two-way firewall against hackers, anti-spam, and more.

Avast Internet Security Dashboard

Avast Internet Security Download Software Features

  • Keep your home network safe: Your home network can be attacked just like your PC. With just one click, you can scan your network for potential security issues to help prevent attacks on your routers and network.
  • Bank in a SafeZone: Safe zone isolates your banking to give you an extra-secure place to bank and pay bills online. Pair it with SecureLine VPN to really protect your privacy and identity.
  • Stay safe behind a firewall: Use Avast secure personal firewall to shield your operating system, software, and hardware from hackers.
  • Cut out spam: Know which emails are spam before you open them, and avoid getting taken by a phishing attack.
  • Email support: Get email support, or you can move to paid phone support for an even faster response.
  • Protection against DNS hijacking: Protect your router from DNS hijacking that could redirect you to a password-harvesting website.
  • Sandbox test space: Now you have the ability to safely run apps and open files you’re unsure about.

Pros And Cons

Pros Cons
Impressive Firewall Some Security Features Require Downloading Chrome
Great Malware Protection No Ability For Parental Control
Ransomware Protection Password Manager Has Limited Features
Password Manager Slow Scans
Decent Interface for Navigation

System Requirements Of Avast Internet Security Download

Operating system Microsoft Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 SP1 or higher / Vista / XP SP2 or higher (any Edition, 32-bit or 64-bit)
Processor Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon 64 or above.
Memory 256 MB RAM memory or above.
Storage Memory 1.5 GB of free hard disk space.

Technical Specification

Software Name Avast Internet Security Software For Windows V 19.8.4793
File Size 48.7 MB
Language English
Available languages English, Italian, French, Spanish, Polish, Chinese, German, Japanese
License Free
Developer AVAST Software

Avast Internet Security Download is one of the most powerful antivirus software on the market for Windows PC. However, Avast is much more expensive than its rival competitor, Norton Security.

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