OfficeTime – Time Tracking Software 1.99

December 9, 2020 - OfficeTime Team (Free)
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OfficeTime Free Time tracking Software is one of the most useful pieces of software that a small business owner might ever need. It easily keeps track of hours that need to be billed, and it can generate personalized invoices with numerous data points and insights. If you work for yourself as a freelancer or contractor, this sort of software will save you time and energy by reducing much of the annoying paperwork that goes along with such responsibility.

Additionally, if you have meetings and events added into Apple’s Calendar application, It makes it a setup to import them within any running project.


OfficeTime-time tracking software

Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life. – Alan Lakein

System Requirements For OfficeTime – Free Time Tracking Software

Operating System macOS 10.13 High Sierra or later
Processor 1 GHz or faster
Memory 256 MB RAM
Storage Space 1 GB Hard Disk Space
Network Connection Internet connection to receive updates
Required Browser Internet Explorer 6 or later

Technical Specification For OfficeTime – Free Time Tracking Software

Software Name OfficeTime Software for Mac V 1.99
File Size 23.53 MB
Language English
License Free
Developer OfficeTime Team

OfficeTime Tracking Software

Features of OfficeTime – Free Time Tracking Software

  • Easy to use: The best time tracker just feels right. And if it feels right, you’ll use it. Which means more hours captured!
  • Impressive invoicing: Easily justify your hours to clients.
  • Sync with OfficeTime on your iPhone or iPad (sold separately) Your time and expenses tracked on the go and synced back to your desk.
  • Increase Billable Hours: Increase your billables just by tracking your time more accurately. We guarantee it.
  • Easy Reports: Your life in a pie chart. Where did your time go last week? Which projects are running hot?
  • iCal Sync: You’re busy so the app automatically records your meetings and shows your whole day in iCal.
  • Freelancers: Track valuable billable hours or check how you stack against your fixed cost bid. Designed to be flexible, like you.
  • Employees: Time tracking doesn’t have to suck. Easily log and report hours worked. Find out where the heck your day goes. Tracking means increased productivity.
  • Teams: Who’s slacking? Which group project is close to budget? Cross-team reports have the answer.
  • No monthly fee: Unlike Web-based time trackers, there’s no subscription fee.
  • Guaranteed to pay for itself: “We’ll give you 100% back if Office Time doesn’t pay for itself in increased productivity recording”.

OfficeTime Tracking Software for Mac

Pros and Cons of OfficeTime – Free Time Tracking Software

Pros Cons
Accurate Estimates and Billing Risk of Micromanagement
Improved Capacity Management More Time and Money
Greater Productivity Decreased Employee Morale
Clearer Objectives
Time Savings

What’s new

– No longer shows blank dates in some regions
– You’ve been away window consistently comes to the front
– Improved Windows 10 compatibility
– Improved iOS sync
– Keeps your data even if you use a temporary file
– Fix rare hang
– Removing an employee will always delete all employee projects


Since OfficeTime – Free Time Tracking Software comes with some disadvantages, but you may start using it for your business. However, it still may help promote your services. As time passes, the study shows that time tracking is a great way for you to improve your productivity and increase revenue. It may be just what you need to take your small business to new heights.

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